If Im building an app that has the ability to send messages/chat and has google maps integration What Cod languages would i need

19th Jul 2017, 12:40 AM
Carlos Javier Anaya
4 ответов
I don't think you need any of these
19th Jul 2017, 12:49 AM
Panos Trak
Panos Trak - avatar
I only placed the tags so than poeple can see the question.
19th Jul 2017, 12:50 AM
Carlos Javier Anaya
Firstly, you will need a DATABASE to store each user's information, for example MySQL which is a database management system. To use MySQL, you'll need to learn about the SQL Language, which is the language used to communicate with the DATABASE to retrieve DATA from your DATABASE ( In this case, it might be your user's information ). For displaying the DATA's from the DATABASE, you'll need to learn the language called PHP, which is a language that allows you to query the database, get the results from the database, and then format/display it on the webpage. PHP has an API which is called PHPMailerwhich allows you to send Emails using PHP. (I found this awnser here : https://teamtreehouse.com/community/what-languages-do-i-need-to-learn-to-build-a-social-network-and-chat-appwebsite)
19th Jul 2017, 12:55 AM
Panos Trak
Panos Trak - avatar
Woow! thanks! This was really helpful 👍
19th Jul 2017, 12:59 AM
Carlos Javier Anaya