+ 1
Post algos to challenges, patterns etc in the format ..description ..algo i will post some interesting algos here. feel free to post yours
4 ответов
+ 4
The kmeans clustering method is a specific clustering method, which you need to specify k, the amount of cluster that should be formed.
Step 1:
The algorithm starts by setting k centroids (cluster middle points) randomly in the data plot.
Step 2:
Then all data point will be assign (connected) to the nearest centroid.
Step 3:
Then each centroid moves to the middle of its assigned points.
Step 2 and 3 will be repeated until no changes between step 2 and 3 centroid/points will be, or after a set of iterations.
+ 2
nice but this thread more for explaining the logic behind
+ 1
A few that I'm really proud of:
One Time Pad Cipher. Wasn't part of a challenge, did it for funsies.
One Time Pad/Cesar Cipher Decryptor. Takes two string inputs, an encrypted message using a One Time Pad cipher, and that message's pad encrypted using a cesar cipher. It decrypts the pad first, then uses the decrypted pad to decrypt the message.
Permutation finder. Uses Heap's Algorithm to find all possible permutations in an array of any length.
+ 1
excellent @martin