+ 1
Can you advise me an appropriate language for Arduino?
8 ответов
+ 3
I think if you already know any other programming languages then you should start learning the Arduino language straight away, you will pick the knowledge up in no time. Try blinking an LED and build your knowledge up from that level. You will learn the Arduino language and C in the process.
If you don't know any other programming language then definitely look at a few beginners C/C++ tutorials or courses.
+ 2
You should learn some electronic stuff too.
LED - Light Emitting Diode
Diode - semi-conductor
+ 2
vk bar ma?
+ 1
Almost all uControllers are programmed in C. then arduino has its own ide. probably you tried it.
men sizge stm32 controllerin karap koruge kenes beremin. stm32f4discovery platasin koriniz arduinodan kizigirak😊
+ 1
You will need c++ or you can simply look at arduino programming guides . I'm sure that you can find some programs /tutorials for that specific microcontroller. Also some electronics apps could give you a general idea.
where are you from? qazaq emessin ba?
Assylbek, ya men qazaqpyn)