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C++ Coding Challenge: Hello World without IDE or code editor
Pretty much what the title says. Create a fully functional program that prints the below string *verbatim*: Hello World! Rules: *. You cannot use a text editor of any kind. *. You cannot use an IDE (obviously). *. Only an executable binary must be left. *. The executable must run immediately and automatically during the process. In other words, it cannot require you double-click it or such, it must just run as if you pressed "Compile & Run" in an IDE. *. The least number of steps wins. *. You may write it in C or C++. *. Your solution does *not* have to be agnostic/universal/portable. *. Don't cheat by looking for an answer, you'll spoil ler fun. Good luck!
6 ответов
+ 3
Input format? Explain?
[Can be done with standard system utils, possibly anywhere, but definitely on all or most *nix environments with a single line from the shell].
+ 2
Does linux console count as a text editor if I do not use vim, emacs and so on ?
+ 2
@Baptiste Nope, a regular console isn't a text editor.
*If it's a shell.
+ 2
My input (on linux minth 17) :
printf "#include <stdio.h>\nint main(){printf("Hello World");return 0;}" > __file__tmp__.c
gcc __file__tmp__.c -o _hello__
rm _hello__ __file__tmp__.c
All done in one line :
alias super_hello='printf "#include <stdio.h>\nint main(){printf(\"Hello World\");return 0;}" > __file__tmp__.c;gcc __file__tmp__.c -o _hello__;./_hello__;rm _hello__ __file__tmp__.c'
But it is neither portable, nor fancy, nor a good practice :p
simply remove "alias super_hello=' " and " ' " at the beginning and at the end to compile execute without having to type the name super_hello
+ 1
Ahaha nice !
And what is the input format please ?
+ 1
How you want us to answer :) Describ what we did is enough ?