+ 1
How to create a table ?
need the answer in well description..am confused.
5 ответов
+ 8
1)create database bank ;
// first u need to create a database , in which there will a table
2) use bank;
3)create table divyatable (name varchar (10) not null , rollno int primary key , class int );
// here database is bank , table is divyatable , and fields in table are name,rollno
4) desc divyatable ;
//to see structure of table
5)insert into divyatable values ("divya" ,14); 👈👈👈
// a record is added
//add some more records similarily
6) select * from divyatable;
//to see all records
+ 7
see pt.5) at divya
+ 1
+ 1
how to add values ??
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