+ 3
Best course for a beginner?
I'm hoping to learn some coding to give me a head-start in a college course I'm hoping to take in the future and so I can make small games in my own time. Problem is, I have no clue where to start, how to progress and so on. Any advice?
8 ответов
+ 12
Here is the guide :
+ 7
If you have never programmed before
- try html
+ 6
When you feel you are ready,
I reccoment that you try Python:
+ 5
did you say games
your best bet for a beginner will be html, css, js afterwards you can go to c++, c# for that. check this resource for games from Github.
+ 5
I think you should start with python. Its syntax is the most English like.
+ 1
I suggest HTML as it is quite straight forward. Python is also a good choice.
+ 1
html and css. then at least some javascript. i am not sure whats next for creating games... but those 3 are the very core i'd say
c++ for desktop, java for mobile devices