+ 16
How many hours you code per day.
I wounder. I wounder how the pro became a pro. Is it the passion or the hard work
40 ответов
+ 21
No of hours isn't the right measure of the productivity of your work! Need to strike a balance between Hardwork + Smartwork😀
+ 21
3 hours, counted with a stopwatch, i'm trying to do 5 hours per day, i feel like i'm doing less than i should.
Dissatisfaction. :)
+ 15
Today, i invested 12 hrs...
+ 12
I am random.
I have a wierd coding time: FREE TIME
+ 10
Weekdays 10 hours n at weekend 0 hr :) but mostly I do coding only in Matlab and c++. still, I have to learn web design languages.
+ 9
@Leigh E.O There are days I spend 10 hours on sololearn, some I only came to collect daily bonus
+ 8
Same with @PegasusSV
Sometimes, less than one hour.
Sometimes, over 8 hours.
Mostly somewhere in between.
+ 7
I mainly do Python programming.
+ 7
I code how many I can, its be random time and sometimes at night when I alone 😀
+ 7
I don't count the the time I code per day just because I code when I have free time ☺ so all the time
+ 6
For me 4-6 hours. Since I make android apps and web stuff
+ 6
I did not record it , but maybe 3 hours every day.
+ 6
@Maz My school reduces the time.
Last semester of the year and busiest
+ 6
It is all about passion and understanding and implementing it the correct way. Doesn't matter how much time you spend. :-)
+ 6
@may Same here. But I make sure I try at least before 10pm.
+ 6
I don't code, yet. ;)
+ 6
9h/24 minimum
+ 6
NoxFly ドリアン
Valen.H. ~
Something has been changing over the course of the last six months or so. It's not about the amount of time I'm spending to do the stuff but the quality of thinking related to the problem solving has been evolving. You know, when you are alone, you think you are very good at something or you are better than Mr. X or Miss. Y or that kinds of silly things. But when you're facing with your old self, then you discover that you were dead wrong about how good you were. It's painful of course to admit your shortcomings and being honest with yourself, but the beautiful part is the steady improvement comes after this phase when you find out that you are not through yet.
Hope to see you guyz around more with big smile on your faces and better than that with more hunger to learn stuff. ;D
+ 5
about two hours
+ 5
it is up to hometasks and projects. Generally more than 3 hours
and if network connection is adorable more than 5 hours