+ 4
Hey check my first web site design pls give your feedback
15 ответов
+ 7
Probably more CSS not just a plain, white background
+ 4
Cool I like it!
+ 3
hey pls give feedback
+ 3
Maybe nobody tell you but I know you can do a better website, helping from SoloLearn. You can improve fonts, colors and quantity of images. In SL and in many sites, you can get some small codes or js library to do better your website. I will be waiting for a new version
+ 2
hey any feedback
+ 2
+ 2
Too stretched out but at least you've done something👍
+ 2
Thank u everyone for giving valuable input....
+ 2
Great job; just try to use the same kind of colors (warm, cold or gray tones for example) but no all of them together. It will be more pleasant for anyone who visits your page
+ 1
i want learn android app development any idea??
+ 1
Too much colors.... My eyes....
+ 1
good 👍
+ 1
For a first website it's pretty nice, better then i would probably do the first time, I only noticed allot that some picuters are a bit to big. Because of that they look stretchy and out of focus, like they miss some pixels. maybe that you can make them a bit smaller. Or a higher res photo. But great job keep up the good work!