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Need help once more on this code
I want to make this code generates only a limited length of password below 30 numbers. Can anyone help me with this? https://code.sololearn.com/cR5LH0EShEFi/?ref=app
8 ответов
+ 1
if you really wanted to use a loop, you could do something like this:
import random
print("Your password is : ")
def check_input():
while True:
inp = int(input())
if inp > 30:
print('The number is out of range')
return inp
s = check_input()
for i in range (s):
value = random.randint(1, 9)
+ 1
You don't need that while loop. Just use the users input if it is less than or equal to 30, otherwise use 30.
import random
print("Your password is : ")
s = int(input())
for i in range (s if s <= 30 else 30):
value = random.randint(1, 9)
+ 1
Thank you very much for the help, really appreciate it :)
+ 1
Is there any problem with this one? I want to make it print like
Your password is :
Something like that... The print('Your password is: ") prints before the print(value) part
+ 1
def s(int(input()))
This line isn't right and won't work in the definition of a function. It will see int(input()) as if you're trying to use it as a variable identifier.
To define a method/function you use a signature similar to:
def function_identifier( parameter_identifier, parameter_identifier, ... etc):
You can set set default values also, but they must come as the last parameters in the parameter list.
An example of this would be the end='\n' for the print function that you are using.
+ 1
Why should we set while true first?
+ 1
You don't necessarily always want to use True. I'm using it here to basically say keep doing this over and over until the correct input happens. True also insures that it is done at least once. Python doesn't have a do-while loop like other languages do, and I'm using this in its place.
+ 1
#Can set like before the code is executer, it shows
Enter the length of the password that you want to generate
#After insert the number, it will become
Enter the length of password that you want to generate
Your password is :
(the numbers)
How to make this?