+ 3
Where can I find more C++ lessons?
I was wondering If there are any more lessons i should take.
7 ответов
+ 27
+ 19
Now, I can see that you have completed C++ course here. First of all congratulations!
In the next step, you might prefer to have a look at here [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list]. They are claiming that those lists are meticulously hand picked by experts. (I agree with them).
Having one or two good books as your references beside [http://en.cppreference.com/w/] and [http://www.cplusplus.com/] help you a great deal.
Recently, I've started to make a series of (homemade!) tutorials [collected from a variety of sources and my own trial and error!] named "C++ bread && butter" which contains a little bit advanced materials for our community. It is still growing and you may find something useful in them!
+ 9
Anytime I have a question about c++, even after programming in the language since 1994, I use http://www.cplusplus.com/
+ 7
1. You can visit sites like codeacademy, codeshef, firecode.io etc.
2.You can use youtube channels like The New Boston.
3. You can use other apps also for enhancing your programming skills and practicing like enki, codenza etc.
+ 5
see books here
+ 4
The new Boston,
+ 2
Thanks guys! I appreciate it!