+ 5
How do people master so many programming languages?
**I'm a computer science student** i wanna be a multi talented person like the toppers in solo learn community.how do you people remember so many programming languages...seems very hard to master many..give me some tips and advices please
12 ответов
+ 14
Speaking for myself, I only learnt Python and SQL here. Other courses I just did for fun and in order to know what's all the fuss about with the legendary semicolon ;)
Mastering a language is hard if you don't do it for a living or have any other reason for such dedication.
Mastering all - is impossible and pointless at the same time. That doesn't rule out making it high in the challenge rankings though :)
+ 11
best of luck 👍
+ 5
practice + documentation
you can't remember everything, that's why you need to open and read documentation in most of times
+ 5
they don't , they are master 2-3 languages :)
for example look at my profile , I finished 7 courses but actually I just good at C++ and CSS :)
+ 2
+ 2
i am a computer science student and i wanna be the best...so i gotta do everything i need, to be the best.
+ 1
There's Ip Man & Bruce Lee, master of Kung Fu, David Copperfield master of illusion, but I never heard a master of everything, even if such person do exist, and it were possible, tomorrow will always bring changes and differences, what you master today may become obsolete tomorrow, with the new release of *whatever*, just my thought anyway.
+ 1
Just have a basic knowledge of every prog langyage. i finished most of course and have learned that syntax is the barrier, the language just like the speach of other people but i you have very good understanding, logic/algorithm, you can know and be good at it, it just need time/dedication and hardwork.
+ 1
developer keeps their knowledge to all languages to get a overall frame of all programming language; so to chose which programming language is best for their project and should they really work on....
but they don't remember all the syntax of all programming language in first place so they have to check out once or twice before they start working on their project.....
so my suggestion is to go ahead and learn basic of all programming language and learn advance of your favorite language.....
I think you should go with the languages which you are really interested in and not to go with all. Though its always good to learn all but if you are going with all then you will become confuse and also it becomes difficult to remember the concepts practically. So its not necessary to do all the languages, instead you can go with the ones you are really want to be and concentrate and make a career in those languages only. That's what I feel on your question. So, good luck and learn hard, you will surely get the right way through.
The same logic can be applied to most languages, so all you really need to learn are the differences in syntax.