+ 2
How do i start with Java?
Basically i'm turning 18 tomorrow and i really want to learn a programming language. I decided it to be Java. Can you give me some tips on what to do and where do i start? Thanks!
10 ответов
+ 10
first of all Happy birthday in advance.
Getting stared is easy the are many websites which have easy-to-understand tutorials such as w3schools.com, tutorialspoint.com, javapoint.com etc.
for practice, you can either download ides such as eclipse for java and start coding
download jdk from Oracle website and a text editor ( notepad++, sublime text etc.) write cide in text editor and compile it with jdk (Google the procedure of compiling) its simple once you get used to it. this is recommended for beginners.
I suggest you practice a lot. once you get considerably proficient in java you can register in sites like hackerrank, topcoder etc.. which have various types of questions to solve. this will improve your coding skills as well as your problem solving skills.
+ 2
there's a website called practice it
(http://practiceit.cs.washington.edu). It goes through various problem solving questions and code tracing problems to help you understand the language.
You can find the guide to learn Java in http://javabasictoadvanced.blogspot.com/p/preface.html
Thank you!
What are you doing here? when you're already having Solo, then start using it.... Happy Birthday...
start by learning the fundamentals, then try to get to polymorphism
If you dont have any programming knowledge thnn first learn C and C++ then learn java. It will hlep you a lot