+ 6
Can I develop my own Video game using Python
17 ответов
+ 9
There is a great module pygame for making 2D sprite-based games easily.
For 3D games, you can use Panda3D or pyglet. I used the latter for my 3D labyrinth game, check it out:
+ 9
I just watched and learnt how to do it with this link here: https://youtu.be/Hqg4qePJV2U
I then combined it with my labyrinth generator, added some keyboard and mouse control and downloaded some textures to make the dungeon maze. All took me five-six hours.
Python is Power, I tell you... 🐍
+ 6
@Netkos Thanks, man. Been doing some labyrinth explorations back then. OpenGL is really easy with pyglet :)
+ 5
@Kuba Nice bro! I just watched the vid, will check it out further when I'm not at work. That brings back a lot of great memories from the early 90s. Nicely done bro.
+ 4
Pygame is not the only gaming‐focused library. You can use several other options. One example is
Pyganim, which is a sprite animation module built on top of the PyGame infrastructure, but easier to
use. Albow is a GUI toolkit specii cally targeted at building games with PyGame. Many other packages
are written on top of PyGame, bearing witness to its popularity as a foundation games framework.
Of course, you don’t have to use PyGame. Other packages access the low‐level hardware and
libraries. PyOpenGL, as the name implies, provides access to the OpenGL libraries.
One feature of gaming that is also supported is the back‐end physics engines needed to model
the real‐world behavior of physical objects. Python also has tools to support this in the shape of
packages like pymunk for 2‐D modeling. Panda3d and the Python Computer Graphics Kit (cgkit )
provide support for 3‐D.
In addition to graphics, most games also need sound. For that you can use built‐in modules in the
standard library including aifc , wave , and sunau . The winsound module provides low‐level access
to Windows sound facilities. On top of these low‐level libraries, the gaming community has built
several packages to assist in generating suitably exciting sounds to accompany your action.
Many other libraries are available, too. In fact, the number of options available for the games
programmer can be bewildering. You can i nd a useful summary at https://wiki.python.org/
moin/PythonGameLibraries .
+ 4
we should ask you a question before?
do you want to focus on building games? or build games just time to time because you need to build apps and tools?
if you wanna focus only on on making games then go learn unity it uses c# language, it is the best for indie game dev.
if some times games and others apps and tools then python is for you.
+ 3
+ 2
Visual Studio is an IDE, not a language. So to be accurate, here is my legit opinion on making games.
Learn one of these:
Utilize one of these engines:
Unity (uses C#)
Unreal (uses C++)
^ more info I posted the other day.
However, to be specific to your questions, YES you can create games with Python. If that's your choice, it's still a viable one if you want to do that. Personally, I don't like Python, but it's still a capable language.
Everything I mentioned above also worked on mobile. Mobile is far from being limited to just Java. The main engine giants today are Unity and Unreal, neither of which uses Java, and both of which work with mobile.
+ 2
you know, blender is pretty cool, and that uses python
+ 2
Check out the Godot Engine. It's very powerful and the current version uses GDscript which is basically python with some special functions unique to that engine. the next version (3.0) let's you use straight python.
+ 1
yeah you can but 1st it is preferred to learn java and XML if you want to develop an android games if iOS then swift and pc then visual studio
+ 1
so should I stop Python?
+ 1
no no compleat it and then learn core python and then java and xml
+ 1
cool, what do you guys say if we create a python game in group, it could be whatever a game of our election, and Kuba could guide us, who is accord
you could use pygame framework to create games with python
Check out Unity!
- 1
@@ kuba..
very cool game..
& u are my py_motivator..
python rules😂😂😂