+ 6
I completed HTML and JavaScript courses but still I'm not able to make any code. What should I do now ?
24 ответов
+ 2
Try making small projects.. like a web form validation, text animations, etc., google more find already working code look into it, work on it.
You can't write first if you dont know how to read. read and understand codes in code playground then write it.
+ 6
how long have you been on SoloLearn?
+ 6
that's cool you've completely a lot
+ 5
Thank you very much.
+ 5
Oh okay, yeah with practice you'll get better
+ 5
oh okay, well that's good you'll get better with practice
+ 4
thank you.
+ 4
+ 4
+ 4
about a month.
+ 4
what codes are you trying to create?
+ 4
Thanks a lot. 😊
+ 4
Currently I'm not trying to create any code. I've decided to learn and challenge primarily in order to be a good coder but when I completed both HTML and JavaScript for the first time, I decided to create a code . At that time I didn't know what to do, so I
posted this question.
+ 4
+ 4
I started a month ago, and I'm really into it so everything knew I learn I right it down in a note book . and when I'm coding and I have trouble I look back at it and it helps through it, eventually I memorized most of the language
+ 4
I also know people that are into coding so they've helped me too
+ 4
@Anikin Skywalker or @furryferret3 have been an inspiration, they've inspired me to keep learning and coding
+ 4
Ooo. You trying your best too. I think your way of learning will also help me.
+ 4
that's great glad I could help
+ 3
Try learning CSS. CSS will help style your code.