A error with objects in python
Hi, I am doing a code in python for a text game, i am learning python, i made this code: class Personaje: def __init__(self): self.vida = 1900 self.max_vida = self.vida def hit(self,daño): self.vida -= self.daño if self.vida <= 0: self.vida = 0 def heal(self,healing): if self.vida >= 0: self.vida += self.healing if self.vida > self.max_vida: self.vida = self.max_vida def estado(self): if self.vida > 0: return "Viva" + "\n" + self.vida + "\n" elif self.vida <= 0: self.vida = 0 return "Muerta" + "\n" + self.vida + "\n" Maeve = Personaje print (Maeve.estado()) Maeve.hit(200) print(Maeve.estado()) Maeve.heal(500) print(Maeve.estado()) Maeve.hit(1899) print(Maeve.estado()) Maeve.heal(700) print(Maeve.estado()) Maeve.hit(2000) print(Maeve.estado()) but this code give me a error: ====== RESTART: D:/Users/Usuario/Documents/Python projects/Personaje.py ====== Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Users/Usuario/Documents/Python projects/Personaje.py", line 23, in <module> print (Maeve.estado()) TypeError: estado() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self' >>> and I can't understand this error, pls help me to fix it PD: I am learning English, sorry for my English