+ 1
Can Anyone Help Me In Coding Apps For Android?
I Hope You Guys Help Me :)
7 ответов
+ 7
If you could at least specify your problem, perhaps someone would be able to help you solve it :)
+ 6
You might want to take a look at this thread - the most recent post mentions a free ebook on Android UI Design, which might come in handy later ;)
The ebook is free only today, so...
+ 3
java or kotlin
you can use java to make android apps
sololearn has java course
+ 1
Step 1: Learn Java Basics. Practice writing simple things early and often!
Step 2: Download required tools: Android studio in your case. http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
Step 3: Start Learning Android development (if you prefer android games) Here's the link to get you going on your first app: http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html
Step 4: Build your first game! Here's a tutorial by James Cho http://www.kilobolt.com/game-development-tutorial.html
Step 5: Keep building your skill set. Why stop at one game? Make 2, 3, 4, as many as your heart desires! Always make sure you have fun. This isn't an easy process but nothing in this world worth having ever is.
What Coding Language Do I Need To Learn To Make Android Apps?
tnxs can anyone guide me when i finished the course java?