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Binary to decimal convertion error
I want to solve function >> y=-2^x But this metod down here shows values that are very strange for me :D I know that that its caused by that python in binary nubers cant save nubers like 9.9 9.8 etc... Do you know any method how to have clean results? a=-10.0 for i in range (201): print("-2^",a,"=",(-2)**a) a+=0.1
2 ответов
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So...this is all new to me but I've been picking up on the abundance of hints here related to float storage. And that's a disclaimer to verify; yourself.
Floats aren't precise. Decimals are, but they're immutable. It looks like this works:
>>> from decimal import *
>>> a = Decimal('-10.0')
>>> a += Decimal('0.1')
>>> a
>>> 2**-9.9
>>> 2**a
Now i know why it output so terrible outputs, because you cant power minus numbers with float