+ 20
What is virus? How would you define a virus?
is it a product of business logic? is it a product of malicious programmers? is it accidently produced and turned into destructive? ☝sometimes i doubt the big software companies..i was wandering whether it could be their kind of business game ..diease and cure ..
20 ответов
+ 5
There are many types of "viruses", the term "virus" is often used incorrectly, so I will explain many types of malware so that it can be better understood.
A virus is a piece of code that relies on infecting a program and human activity to spread itself, similar to a biological virus that needs a host to reproduce. Once that program is run, the virus copies itself and sends itself to another computer. A virus can a harmless or harmful. A virus can't
A worm is a kind of sub-category of virus that is able to self-replicate itself and spread over a network. A worm can be considered a type of virsus, however, while a virus needs human activity to spread, worms don't.
A trojan horse is a program that pretends to a harmless file in an attempt to have the user run it. Trojans aren't viruses because they don't infect other files and they aren't worms because they don't self-replicate.
Hope this helps! : )
+ 15
Biological definition:
Any of various submicroscopic agents that infect living organisms, often causing disease, and that consist of a single or double strand of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
Programming Definition:
A computer program or series of commands that can replicate itself and that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other files or programs which users later transfer to other computers. Viruses usually have a harmful effect, as in erasing all the data on a disk.
+ 12
your perception on virus..😀
+ 11
I choose a product of malicious programmers.
+ 10
OR a combination of both ?
+ 10
This may not be the definition most people have in mind, but i even would open up the definition.
To me a programm, that pretends to be something, that doesn't fully cover its behaviour is a virust, too.
example: you use an editor, but everytime you have internet connection, the program would send your writings to a server without mentioning.. data stealing.
such a program does not spread out or cause damage, but it tricks you by stealing information. This also is some kind of Virus to me.
And YES, i aggree with you, that a virus can be produced by accident.
And i also wouldn't trust the big companies. Everyone wants your data nowadays. It's the new gold on the market.
+ 8
That is some biased info as who knows, even I am creating viruses. 😉
+ 8
A program designed to cause software damage!
+ 5
A virus is basically a code or a script which automatically makes a copy of itself when anyone opens an attachment(like opening an infected email or just like opening an infected website).It satrts it s malicious journey by first attacking the host and if it is able to do so ,then it can even affect other system software or resources ,modify or disable the data ,as well as copy,delete or encrypt data.
+ 4
virus can be create from the reading of unbalance of code of programme due to cause it
+ 4
A virus is a malicious/non-malicious software/code that can replicate, hide, access and do many functions without your knowledge. IN SIMPLE WORDS A PARASITE IN YOUR COMPUTER HOST.
+ 4
The most accurate definition is as follows:
A piece of code, that is separate from the system that it was intended to run in, created with the intent of performing actions which are not intended by the operator of the system (user).
According to this definition Windows 10 is not a virus because it is not separate from the system itself, even though it does malicious things. 😆
It would fall under the category of "malware" instead. 😁
The ability to copy itself is a property common to most viruses, but not necessarily part of the definition.
+ 4
a virus can't be produced by accident, that's called a bug.
I agree with you, never trust big companies.
+ 3
there are no viruses in the world. Good programmers like we are creating super powerful software but systems can not run them safely. thatz why
+ 3
A virus is created just to take control of something specific.
+ 3
A virus, generally, is a set of rules able to replicate itself in an environment. This environment can be almost anything as long as it offers a sufficient degree of complexity, that is, possible interactions within that environment. Can be biochemical, can be OS, can be higher level software and their interactions, society. Without the environment, the virus is nothing. And from a certain level on, no environment is safe from viruses. From there on it's all "Darwin".
+ 2
I'd define a virus as a malicious program made to control or cause damage to a computer that is activated when you click somewhere or you enter in a not safe page (not https) that has the virus inside.
+ 1
To put it in simple words: Something that can completely mess up your computer, possibly life(ransomware) and even steal all of your information(credit card, log in details etc.).
+ 1
Virus is also a programme which works without your order and harm your devices
- 1
Un virus es un programa que te hace "pupita sexual si entra en tu fistro de ordenador" (pequeño homenaje a Chiquito)