+ 3
which is the best way to increase your skill...?
by challenge / your project code / post answer
9 ответов
+ 5
create your own problems, and find your own solutions......
find bug, mistakes from existing systems and trying to make better them.
+ 3
Code, code a lot.
But the most important is motivation and to list your goals you want to fulfill.
Without it you don't even know how to keep going.
+ 3
this app alone can teach alot in html alone. I started not knowing a thing about html to teaching others html :)
+ 1
your project code first
+ 1
Good question.
No programmer is perfect. If you really want to increase your skill then you must practise of each and every statement in eclipse or in code play ground (better in eclipse). I am not talking about copy paste program from solo learn. Understand and make your own program. This is best way to practise and improve skill.
Find a friend who also like coding like you and discuss your question with him/her.
Hope this will help you thanks for reading.
Practice, practice and more practice, you want to make as many applications as you can so you can understand things fast.
keep practice!
Prefer coming up with problems and solving them. The problem that Ua friends finds them difficult to code. This is best way to practice
Challenges! Competitions! Practice! Feedback! Solving poblems! A development board with sensors, actuators and leds to experiment and design your own projects.