+ 3
Clrscr() getch()
Why I cant use them in sololearn ...i know if we want to use them we gotcha include #include<Conio> ....i know the use of clrscr it clears the screen before showing the output..but whats the use of getch() and WHY I CANT USE them IN SOLOLEARN
11 ответов
+ 4
for using system("cls"); we have to include #include<stdlib.h> it works fine in my pc but i gotta say onething here .."SOLOLEARN SUCKS"here
+ 4
'cls' is a system command. There is no way an online compiler can offer you a way to use that.
+ 3
is there any function like clrscr()
+ 3
....Thanks Thanks ....
+ 2
getch() function waits for you to input a character.
+ 1
if i want to want to read value from user for doing some calculation...cout<<"Enter two number"; I want only my output to get displayed on the screen not with the ..Enter two num....what should i do??