+ 1

Where can I get a Advanced HTML course?

I hope there is one on Sololearn because it is very easy to learn.

2nd Dec 2017, 8:06 PM
Eren Ozturk
Eren Ozturk - avatar
8 ответов
+ 4
You are right: Sololearn is good for the beginning, but for further development, you need to take HTML, CSS, and other web-development courses from W3SCHOOLS.com
2nd Dec 2017, 8:55 PM
Ozodbek Kuchkarov
Ozodbek Kuchkarov - avatar
+ 2
I learned on YouTube and now can make any site in terms of design and layout. Programming is in progress.
2nd Dec 2017, 8:39 PM
BodyaBuilder - avatar
+ 2
*SoloLearn(quick overview in courses, challenges, code playground, forum) *codecademy (can skip it though) *w3shcools (spent a lot of time here, but now outgrown it) *Mozilla Developers network ( now I stay here) *stackoverflow (when nothing makes sense and I need answers) also highly suggest codeninja and traversy web tutorials on YouTube, they are like favourite dinner time crash courses to wonderful things
2nd Dec 2017, 9:08 PM
Morpheus - avatar
+ 1
try W3school and code academy
2nd Dec 2017, 9:31 PM
Android Boi
Android Boi - avatar
Thnx! me too YT is one good platform where you can learn! I am doing tests at home too so I can learn faster.
2nd Dec 2017, 8:40 PM
Eren Ozturk
Eren Ozturk - avatar
Good luck)
2nd Dec 2017, 8:43 PM
BodyaBuilder - avatar
Yeah, I use w3schools it is a good website. Respect for the owners/makers of w3schools/Sololearn and YT video's!
2nd Dec 2017, 8:57 PM
Eren Ozturk
Eren Ozturk - avatar
Have you tried https://beta.freecodecamp.org/en/challenges/join-the-freecodecamp-community/learn-how-freecodecamp-works its in beta so it might have a few bugs but its very similar to codecademy & sololearn challenges. If you want to use the stable version then https://www.freecodecamp.org should be good. I hope that helps and good luck.
2nd Dec 2017, 11:23 PM
Dwain Aiolupotea
Dwain Aiolupotea - avatar