+ 3
can anyone help me with this concept of modulus% I don't understand please help.
5 ответов
+ 7
So lemme explain with 47%6.
Note that 6*7+5=47.
Hence 47/6 leaves a remaimder of 5, or 47%6=5
+ 6
See the chocolaty example :D
+ 5
forget about floating point numbers for a moment and go back to elementary school where you calculated division like this:
how often does 2 fit in 5?
it fits in there 2 times leaving a remainder of 1 (2*2 = 4 -> 5-4 = 1)
This remainder is what modulo calculates. Whatever is left in an integer division.
+ 4
it just gives you the remainder
+ 1
This code will help you to fully understed how modulus works: