+ 2
I dont seem to understand the java tutorial on sololearn can anyone give me tips on better understanding
Please I really need to understand java but it seems like I am not making any progress onlike my java scripts, html, css and php please I need help and tips .thanks alot
4 ответов
+ 6
1. Make sure you use the 'Try it Now' on every lesson.
2. Read the comments within the lessons. Most have some great addition information and clarifications.
3. Once you get to classes, slow right down. Read multiple times. Write code as you go, starting with the examples given and then create your own. If you get confused at this point, it's quite normal - DO NOT KEEP GOING - STOP and ask questions of this great community.
I got stuck with classes 20 years ago when there was no such resource such as this. This past week I have concentrated on this area and it's finally starting to make sense.
Good luck.
+ 4
Are you talking about java or javascript?
+ 4
If you're having trouble understanding the material in the course try to go back to the chapter and re-read the explanation, viewing the community comments also may help, some who already understand the material usually post more detailed information regarding the material.
You did not give enough information of which part you are having problem with, so it's not easy to decide how, or what answer, is to be suggested, if you narrow down your question scope to the exact point of the confusion it would help others to understand better, I suppose : )
+ 1
java and java script are diffrent languages