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Drag and drop from the options below to select name, cost, and bids from the ''items'' table. Select only those items whose bids are greater than 123. name, , bids items bids>123; ON cost name ASC WHERE FROM SELECT

18th Dec 2017, 8:42 AM
Bura Sukumar
Bura Sukumar - avatar
11 ответов
+ 4
SELECT name, cost , bids FROM items WHERE bids>123;
8th Apr 2018, 12:17 PM
Mahnoor Shahzad
Mahnoor Shahzad - avatar
+ 4
UPDATE zoo SET food_balance=23 WHERE age > (SELECT AVG(age) FROM zoo); to kawther Rabia AlHattali Drag and drop from the options below to update the food_balance to 23 for animals whose age is greater than the average age of the animals.
19th Dec 2019, 6:16 PM
Zobo - avatar
+ 2
I can help you with that, but I would rather suggest you to go back, and review the tutorial, it's rather basic, and I'm sure you can do this if you just give the tutorial a second view. Go give it a try!
18th Dec 2017, 9:16 AM
select from where i did correct answer on this question but here i displayed 3 correct answers only 4 out of so.. you can try for another answer.
2nd Mar 2018, 3:07 PM
Adhiyaman Sakthivel
Adhiyaman Sakthivel - avatar
select cost from where
3rd Apr 2018, 9:26 AM
avg form
6th Oct 2018, 10:57 AM
Drag and drop from the options below to update the food_balance to 23 for animals whose age is greater than the average age of the animals. UPDATE zoo SET food_balance=23 WHERE age > (SELECT (age) FROM );
6th Mar 2019, 6:57 PM
kawther Rabia AlHattali
Drag and drop from the options below to select all items from the ''items'' table for which cost is greater than 463. Order the result by cost in descending order. SELECT * FROM items WHERE cost > 463 ORDER BY cost DESC
2nd Aug 2019, 8:36 PM
Write a query to output a new table with each animal's name, type and country fields, sorted by
7th Feb 2021, 8:26 AM
Dinesh Raj E
Dinesh Raj E - avatar
SELECT name, Cost, bids FROM items WHERE bids>123 maybe alright...
19th Oct 2022, 7:19 AM
Saepul Fajar
Saepul Fajar - avatar