+ 3
how to learn html language?
i know nothing about this language,could anyone tell me how to learn it?
9 ответов
+ 9
You can learn it from the Sololearn course.
+ 6
You have a very good question! To understand html markup well, you first need to study html gradually, followed by practice! Yes Yes ! Practice will help you! create a small code for yourself, then apply all the learned knowledge in this code! good luck with learning :)
+ 1
that is for make web sites. but we can use php for mobiel ussd app
don't worry just download sololearn app a start your path. Its very easy and understandable
Codecademy is another alternative for coding
ej media channel on you tube
I use CodeCombat. It's a great platform to learn html, js, css, python
- 1
must you have the whole code off head before you can be able to create your own website