+ 4
Does it make sense to learn HTML, CSS, and JS? Since they all work together, I thought it makes sense to learn all three...
Would it be too difficult or confusing to learn all three? I would begin with HTML then CSS, and lastly JavaScript. What do you think? Is there anyone that knows all three now? (BONUS: How long would it take to learn all three? Or each one?)
8 ответов
+ 8
I can't say it's hard( it's up to you)
for web development
you should start with front end
after doing this try the frameworks for CSS(bootstrap) and JS(jQuery) etc.
/* you will find many frameworks
than move to backend like Php and sql
+ 3
easy to learn all these three.kinda hard to be a master in javascript.
+ 2
HTML + CSS + JavaScript is probably the most marketable combination today.
Once you learn those, you need to learn about $PHP and JavaScript frameworks that supposedly make UI design and DOM manipulation easier. If you can do that, then you're money!
$PHP is used to "generate" the HTML + JavaScript.
+ 2
It's kind of a never ending chain of new stuff to learn.
The hard part is deciding where to start and deciding which skill to learn next (because we are all on a time trial, in life)
+ 2
Learn all of them and you are able to create attractive websites
+ 1
Learn html + CSS. Then use JavaScript to make it do cool things, like have buttons that aren't just a hyperlink.
HTML is fastest to learn. You mostly just make "boxes" (inside of other "boxes") of content.
CSS is used to style that content based on what box is inside of what other boxes; apply color, position, size, shape, backgrounds, font.
JavaScript is used to change both the HTML and CSS based on whatever rules that you can figure out how to program. Like changing the CSS style when a button is clicked. Or changing the content inside one of your boxes, etc.
You probably won't have much fun messing with JavaScript until you have an OK grasp of HTML + CSS; unless your very fond of numbers, and logic puzzles.
You can get basic proficiency in any of these in about a week to one month, depending on your aptitude, but combining them creatively to do something beautiful only comes with great creative application of everything you've learned in all of them.
+ 1
Is hard to learn all three? Or is it the standard thing to do?
+ 1
Thank you everyone, your input has been very helpful! Also a special thank you to Christopher and Jaydeep! That pretty much confirmed my self educational plan!