+ 4

HTML hex color questions

As a graphic designer, there's one thing that bothers me: There's a question on the HTML quiz that says "Which color represents the hex value #0face0?" The "correct" option is blue. The problem here is that that is misleading, blue #e0 value ADDS green #ac value, doesn't OVERRIDES it, as the question suggests. Therefore, the correct option would be something more like a cyan(ish), not blue. I think that might be important to address that issue, given the fact that people are in sololearn for learning...

5th Jan 2018, 3:06 PM
German Pais
German Pais - avatar
2 ответов
+ 3
Maybe blue is just closer than other options. But in general you are right, I'd think it's rather cyan.
5th Jan 2018, 3:08 PM
Petr Leliaev
Petr Leliaev - avatar
+ 1
@Petr yes, that's true. The other options just doesn't make any sense, so this question is rather easy to answer. Nevertheless, I think there's a trend to use the hex colors in the same way, taking in account just the bigger value, not the sum of the three, and I wanted to give my two cents to tackle that problem. Thanks for taking the time to answer, btw!
5th Jan 2018, 3:42 PM
German Pais
German Pais - avatar