i am getting error anyone can help
0 голосов
5 ответовdouble arr[]={5,2,7,8,11,9};
int n = sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0]);
double sum = 0;
for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
sum+= arr[i];
double avg = sum / n;
cout<< "avarage ="<< avg<< endl;
return 0;
/*what does int n= sizeof(arr[]) /sizeof(arr[0]);
do, can someone explain that line for me*/
0 голосов
3 ответовI am confused on this
0 голосов
1 ответwhy does this code output that there is an error because the else statement doesn't have a corresponding if statement?. How do i correct this?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a;
for (int x =0; x<5;x++){
if (a<1){
cout<<"a cannot be less than 1\n";
else if (a>10){
cout <<"a cannot be greater than 10\n";
cout<<"code can run now"<<endl;
return 0;
3 голосов
8 ответовif i download the programs for c++ on my pc ( codebuilds and the compiler ) and i want to write a program in my package ( workspace ) i create a new file and write smthing beginning
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main ()
and i want to run it, it always runs this first program : Hello World. and not my written program how can i run just my written program ?
have i maybe to write anything else as
int main () {} ?
0 голосов
16 ответовhey guys, I've been trying to work out the formula 'v=I*r'. But whenever I run the program and input values for I and r, it doesn't give the right answer.
This is the code
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int i,r;
int v = i*r;
cout<<"what is the value of i?\n";
cout<<"what is the value of r?\n";
cout<<"voltage ="<<v<<endl;
return 0;
p/s: I'm new to programming
1 голос
8 ответовWhen I enter two numbers the sum is displayed.. but when I input character as yes not y... Then it goes into an infinite loop... can anyone explain why?
int a,b;
char ch;
cout<<"Enter two numbers: ";
cout<<"The sum is "<<a+b
<<"\nDo you want to try again (y/n): ";
0 голосов
4 ответовjava learning
0 голосов
1 ответif i text 21 it stacks. program says you are a child. you are a teenager. you are adult. how can i delete this "stack".
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int age;
if (age>=14){
cout<<"You're a Teenager"<<endl;
if (age>=18){
cout<<"You're adult"<<endl;
if (age>=0){
cout<<"You're a Child"<<endl;
cout<<"Are u stupid ?"<<endl;
return 0;
0 голосов
4 ответовJava programming loop statements
0 голосов
2 ответовWhen I enter two numbers the sum comes.. but when I input character as yes not y... Then it goes into an infinite loop... can anyone explain why?
int a,b;
char ch;
cout<<"Enter two numbers: ";
cout<<"The sum is "<<a+b
<<"\nDo you want to try again (y/n): ";
0 голосов
2 ответовjava class Add quot;">"quot;
quot;;">"quot;;"awesome");"dolor""haha""hihi""hoho""huhu");"ipsum""is""sit"{}+=addadd("hehe"add("lorem"add("this"classconstructor(...words)newprint()returnthis.words 1 голос
4 ответов#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class A{
void f1();
class B : public A{
virtual void f1();
int main()
A * obj = new B;
Ques: can we write virtual before an overridden function from the base class?? if yes which f1() should it call base class f1() or derived class f1()???
0 голосов
1 ответWhy not working
-4 голосов
4 ответов