Add controls position (C#)
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1 ответis there anything wrong in this please answer
import string
from random import *
letters = string.ascii_letters
digits = string.digits
chars = letters + digits
min_length = 9
max_length = 15
password = "".join(choice(chars) for x in range(randint(min_length, max_length)))
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1 ответx = 42;
int num = 0;
while (num <3)
Consele.writeline (x);
int x = 42; is just an int with an asigned value of 42
int num=0; is what initiate the count for the while loop
while (num < 3); means 0<3 true, 1< 3 true, 2<3 true, the loop end at 2 bc 3 <3 is false
consele.writeline (x) will display 42 while num < 3
num++ will execute and then add 1 to check if the while loop still true, but it stop at 2, bc 3 makes it false.
so the consele.write will write 42 three times. x=42, remember the (x)
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