JavaScript questions from a newbie
0 голосов
6 ответовConvert int to double
0 голосов
1 ответOpenGL error
3 голосов
4 ответовWhy this code doesn't go?
1 голос
1 ответa)Write a function ‘rev’ which returns the reverse of the given integer. Function isPalin takes an integer as argument and checks whether it is palindrome or not using rev function. Using isPalin write a main function to accept n integers and display number of palindrome numbers found.
b)write a program to find the possible permutations of the given word .
0 голосов
2 ответовWrite a java program that generates the binomial coefficients for (x +y)^14 prints them, separated by a comma and a space use a loop or loops to increment the integer n and k after they are initialized.
Hint:for the above problem the coefficients ate the 15th row of pascal triangle
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2 ответовАктуальное сегодня
Saturn League badge
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Sololearn keeps crashing
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Lua course?
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Adding an image to my html
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Not able to activate account
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About Advanced Courses
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