Python Course Not Letting Me continue
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1 ответa self-study site like sololearn
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1 ответWhen I'd to choose java over c++ ??
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2 ответовNeed an idea for your next project?
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1 ответhi everyone,
I have learn basic java,c++ and eclipse more than 3 times, I know everything about basic, but what is next, is this for just making simple input/output programs?
I want to STEPUP but I Dont have any idea
I want to become a professional Android developer, pls give some suggestions.
q. only for experts
1 голос
3 ответовhello every one
it is a usefull advice in learning this html course , leave html5 at the bigining & learn java script completly because in some sections (from 10/19 to end of the course) you need basic & even advance knowledge of JS . then your able to return to previous course & learn html5 easier.
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