I want to print a series 1 to 5
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3 ответовBeginer Help
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3 ответовi want to print sum of all integers from 1to 100 like for example :
i tried it i know my code is wrong please help me class Program {
public static void main(String[] args) {
for(int x = 1; x <101; x++) {
int sum = int x;
3 голосов
11 ответовWrite a static method called weave that that takes two integers as parameters and that returns the result of weaving their digits together to form a single integer. Two numbers x and y are weaved together as follows. The last pair of digits in the result should be the last digit of x followed by the last digit of y. The second-to-the-last pair of digits in the result should be the second-to-the-last digit of x followed by the second-to-the-last digit of y. And so on.
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13 ответовa)Write a function ‘rev’ which returns the reverse of the given integer. Function isPalin takes an integer as argument and checks whether it is palindrome or not using rev function. Using isPalin write a main function to accept n integers and display number of palindrome numbers found.
b)write a program to find the possible permutations of the given word .
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