F&A Diskussionen
Hey guys im trying to male a simple login use variables and inputs. Can i have some help with my code! A syntax error keeps coming up where i state
x = v.
print 'Hello User'
x = 'Tanner'
if x = v
print ('\n Welcome Tanner!')
else x != v
print ('\n User Not Found!!')
0 Stimmen
9 Antwortenwhy does this code output that there is an error because the else statement doesn't have a corresponding if statement?. How do i correct this?
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a;
for (int x =0; x<5;x++){
if (a<1){
cout<<"a cannot be less than 1\n";
else if (a>10){
cout <<"a cannot be greater than 10\n";
cout<<"code can run now"<<endl;
return 0;
3 Stimmen
8 Antwortenguys please suggest me the right way to learn php,how to practice,what be the matetials and more importantly how to start...I have a lot of passion and can give plenty of time but the problem is m just a bigginer with little knowledge on programming though m a IT student and in learning phase...I want to establish career on php what should I do...share your experience,tips and knowledge....thanks in advance... !!!
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