+ 8
Where can I find the question factory?
11 Answers
+ 4
Quiz factory is only for android, not ios :(
+ 10
I am on the app, but I can’t find it
+ 10
Oookkaayyy I have an iPhone 6 as well, that’s provost why
+ 8
I believe it is only available on the Sololearn app from the app store (on mobile).
Cannot be on the website.
+ 8
If you go to the home page you should see 3 vertical dots in the top right corner.
Should be right next to your notifications.
If you click on that you should see 'quiz factory'.
+ 6
I think it's maybe only in Android version.
+ 5
I have an Apple iPhone 6, and it is unavailable for me. So it might not be there.
+ 4
Actually it might be a 7. 😂 I can’t remember.
+ 4
Either way, I hope they fix it soon!
+ 4
Well, that sucks for us. 😔
+ 2
I hope they will add it very fast