+ 236
Google launches free online course on AI
Google blog link: Free online resources on AI Learn with Google AI: https://ai.google/education#?modal_active=none Machine learning crash course: https://developers.google.com/machine-learning/crash-course/ Google blog link: https://blog.google/topics/machine-learning/learn-google-ai-making-ml-education-available-everyone/ For details -- 💠💠 Please check my answer.💠💠
84 Answers
+ 50
💠💠Google launches free online course to improve AI education
(LISTEN | PRINT : please click link below)
By James Walker Mar 1, 2018 in Technology
Google's announced a new online learning initiative to make machine learning education more accessible. The company's developed a free course which delivers the essentials needed to get started with machine learning, without demanding prior knowledge.
Read more:
Google blog link:
😀😁Free Resources ---
Learn with Google AI:
Machine learning crash course:
+ 21
Thanks for sharing 📈A Z M Mushfiqur Rahman📈 .
For those interested in Programming and Technology, check this out: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU.
I just felt that would be good to share it with others.
+ 18
I found AI course on Udacity that day .. I wanted to know about it .. but .. THOSE BUCKS 😡
Thanks for sharing this MY BROTHA, Now I know DA WAE to success 😛
Really Appreciate it 😆
+ 16
Wow! That’s awesome! Official by google. Thanks for letting us know! 😊
+ 15
A big thanks !
+ 14
@A Z M Mushfiqur Rahman
thanks for great news!
i appreciate the special attention
you've put in this.
+ 11
💮 BiShu 💮
That's not scary at all.Just the title is scary but the content is even funny.
+ 10
Thanks for sharing!
+ 10
💮 BiShu 💮
I didn't see the comments before.
+ 8
Nelson Lobo
And Comments .. 😂
+ 8
This Google AI is a assistant to a pianist:
+ 8
thank you for sharing with us..👍👍👍
+ 7
Nelson Lobo
Humans Need Not Apply
isn't that ..
That's scary 😐😓
+ 6
great thanks for sharing
+ 5
Thanks for sharing!😍😍😍
+ 5
+ 5
Yeah Thanks brother
+ 4
nice post actually I love to be here with some information similar to this..made my day perfect
+ 4
thanks for the link
Very interesting
+ 4
Thank you thank you thank you sooooo much. 😃 This literally made my day.