Is there a way to change output font colour in c++
I need to print output in varying colours ,is there a way??
5 Answers
THE GAMER i have never tried ,but give it a try with below :
system ("color %"); //just to check combination of color for a system
system("color A1"); // set one colour
cout<<"hi"<<endl; // print output after changing color
thanks ,but it doesn't seem to work ,well not in solo learn anywayđ˘
yes, I also checked first on solo learn and same result
You need to include library <cstdlib> or <cstdio> and then the example above will work
check - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9965710/how-to-change-text-and-background-color
yeah,i checked that,but none of that works on solo learnđ˘(it might work on other platforms,of that I am not sure)but thanks!