Learning Question
Hi, Where can I learn full a language? for example sololearn, w3schools, py, codelyf, mimo pro, programming hub pro, etc don't say the all of the codes. Can you say a where to learn free and full a language in all usages? langueges (I want to learn): swift , javascript , python , php , kotlin , git , java , ruby , c# , c++ , c , r , react , f# , etc. Don't send a message to learn from sololearn or other applications I say. I learn all languages in sololearn in another account and learn many languages in other applications. Sorry if a question example it in sololearn. My internet is not load to I search my question first.
4 Answers
+ 2
FirstSoloKiller If you have enough money you could pay someone who translates this books. Or you search for books in your own language.
For me it is the same problem, but I use this situation to improve my english.
I don't think that you will find such a "all in one" - package.
Here on SL you get the basics. But if you use the searchbar in the q&a section you will find many lists of books or tutorials for advanced.
You can also use google to find materials.
Ok. but how can I translate this books to read faster?