C++ or Java to start? [SOLVED]
Which language do you think should start? Editing this exactly 2 years after (at the same hour): Well, firstly, I chose both. I learned first Java Core (from basic data types to Servlets), in this step I learn most of the topics of Java but I didn't understand how computers really work. So I decide to choose C (instead of C++), so i learned a lot of low level stuff (memory management with pointers, memory allocation, string and pointers, UNIX basics and low level files, some OS concepts, and Windows API programming). This give me a better understanding of how memory works in Java (especifically what garbage collector is, where the variables go, what is the real difference between Stack and Heap, and why is it divided in this way) and now I can use the JNI for OS Specific native code. But... I still felt that i needed to know more things about computers, so I picked two books (that I'm actually reading) - Assembly Language Step-by-Step 3rd Edition by Jeff Duntemann: This book gives a little more "easier" explanation of how computer works, from computer microarchitecture basics to x86 assembly programming (some instructions from Intel ISA) with a Linux System - Computer Organization and Architecture 10th Edition by William Stallings: this book give a more thorough description of how computer works, it's a little bit harder than the previous book. Now, parallel to this low level stuff I'm actually learning Web Development too, and those technologies help me understanding how the browser, web, and networking works and in the jump to Javascript (HTML and CSS are a little bit confusing, they have a lot of keywords xD). So, in response to my previus Question: ¿C++ or Java to start? I recommend start with both (understand the programming concepts like structured programming and some other modern paradigms like Object-Oriented Programming and write code that works in real life in a less time) and then delve into how computers works. Thank you all, you really helped me!!