What am I doing wrong with this code. Please help
I have just finished first module (Basic concepts). I was trying to put to practice a few of the things that I learnt. I am trying to make a small program to help someone who is trying to find help with percentages. The code I have written is as follows: print(""" To work out the percentage increase or decrease, add on or subtract the percentage you have found. EXAMPLE ONE A calculator is priced at $12 but there is a 25 percent discount. tow work out how much it will cost:""") int(input("Enter percentage"))/int(input("Enter Hundred as number"))*int(input("Enter price")) print(""" Now that you have the how much to deduce from the price:""") int(input("Enter Orignal price"))-int(input("Enter deduction")) What am I doing wrong. Thanks in advance.