HTML/JavaScript - Help with if, &&, else?
Okay so I made an attempt at something, but it was utterly bad so I deleted that section and only after doing that did I realise I could ask for help... Oops... So I'm trying to make a sort of Generator for my friend to help her with a little project, but it requires use of it, &&, else statements as well as grabbing randomly from lists within those... And my brain is melting OTL So... First off here's my first bit of basic generator (edited slightly just to have unimportant test words to generate) Now, what I want to do now, is to somehow make it also print, on a separate line, something else depending on what was generated. So, let's say I get the result of "1" & "Red", I then want it to pick at random 'A', 'B', or 'C'. But if it gives "2 Red" I want randomly from 'Do', 'Re', or 'Mi' Etc etc