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can I use more #continue command in while loop
I just create a code using while loop the question is print 1 to 5 and 10 to 15 using while loop and continue and break command this is my right code: i=0 while True: i=i+1 if i<=5: print(i) continue if i==5: i=i+5 if i>=10: print(i) if i==15: break print('finish') and this is my wrong code: i=0 while True: i=i+1 if i<=5: print(i) continue if i==5: i=i+5 continue if i>=10: print(i) continue if i==15: break print('finish')
1 Answer
+ 3
The Q&A is a place to ask for help with problems with your codes. It's not a place for showing how you fixed them.
You want to make your code DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). How about this?
i = 0
while True:
i += 1
if 5 < i < 10:
if i > 15:
It saves 6 i's, 2 if's and a print. 🙂