+ 18
Are challenge answers being lowercased?
I've noticed that one can't type a capital letter in the answers lately, but I was changing the keyboard anyway. Gave it a try today and entered 8wp instead of 8WP on one of the Java quizzes and it was accepted as correct. Has anyone seen anything official on the subject?
11 Answers
+ 25
Answers in the quizzes, challenges and modules have always been case-insensitive. Tried a couple of times with the tutorial questions, self-made quizzes and stuff. You can intermix uppercases with lowercases and still get correct.
No official word on this issue (?) though.
+ 21
believe you are right @Nikolay
+ 15
Ya, I was not able to type <!doctype html> with d capital(D). There's nothing seen official on the subject sir:)😊
+ 13
yes, they are change their case from UPPER to LOWERCASE.
sometimes I feel so confused😕
I had seen it in Java quizzes.
+ 12
@Hatsy, thought it was something new 😃
@Kuba I think that was in a multiple choice.
+ 12
I guess this change is made by the Sololearn team for us! As knowing the correct answer, but still getting 'wrong' just because of a change in letter is irritating!
Like it if you agree!
+ 10
@Elric Most likely it was submitted by a user with an older version of an application, where it was possible to set up caps. In any way, this should be changed back, as some languages are case-sensitive...
+ 9
Yep, noticed that a while ago, too. I am definitely sure it has been changed, as some of former Python quizzes demanded to determine a value of a boolean and the correct answer was 'True', not 'true'.
+ 9
@Niko I remember the text area to be fulfilled only if you entered True not true, as capital T takes up more space than the lowercase one ;)
+ 5
Yes, I had also seen in python quiz where I had to print the word 'Python' and for that the correct input was 'python'.
+ 3
I had a quiz where you had to enter B(A) for class inheritance but I couldn't enter a captial A. kept trying butt would just keep putting lower case a. frustrating and was acquired as wrong. was a python quiz