I have completed js course, but i dont know how i can use js. Where or how can i train js? Except for mimo... I have done all the js courses there.
4 Answers
+ 2
this playlist is definitely gonna help you.
+ 2
Download Visual Studio Code on desktop, go to the extensions tab, search for a good theme, then search for "Live Server" extension, install it. Now create your html css javascript files
- index.html
- style.css.
- main.js
and type exclamation mark inside html file and press TAB, which will generate the boilerplate for html, now link the css and javascript files to the html file, and then right click on the html file and click on "open with live server", now your browser would open. You can press f12, inside the console you can see all the console.logs n stuff.
Also, download Spck Editor on mobile from playstore, coz it lets you write html css js on mobile as well, but its more productive to write it on desktop.
+ 1
Yeah, i know that but i meant like js as a language. I dont know how can i use it