Web & mobile applications
Which language to learn for developing web and mobile apps at the same time ? Thank you
3 Answers
+ 4
The JavaScript can alter and change the CSS and HTML as well as validate, manipulate and calculate data. Meteor is the platform to build mobile and web apps by using a JavaScript codebase. Creating new mobile apps with JavaScript is quite easy and it may suitable for all platforms such as Android and IOS.
Kotlin is an Android-compatible language that is concise, expressive, and designed to be type- and null-safe. It works with the Java language seamlessly, so it makes it easy for developers who love the Java language to keep using it but also incrementally add Kotlin code and leverage Kotlin libraries. [ It is declared as official language of android by Google in 2017 ]
Learn JavaScript and Kotlin!
All the best!
+ 2
You can jo through the certain frameworks of javascript for this
Like react, angular
+ 1
Html, CSS, and JavaScript