+ 408

[OFF-TOPIC] Non Web codes need love too!

Web codes are always seen on trending because they are the most fun. That doesnt mean that the other languages require any less love. Post your fav non-web codes here because people are not going to see them unless you advertise them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ This way, All of the people following this thread will get notified when you post your code. Start posting! PLEASE DON'T POST WEB CODES HERE, THANK YOU.

27th Apr 2017, 5:28 PM
Pixie - avatar
3244 Answers
3rd May 2017, 2:52 PM
Dev - avatar
+ 59
No one knows what's Narcissistic number but many people knows what's Armstrong number! From this code, you gonna know what it is- https://code.sololearn.com/c5W2e9rgcJfm/?ref=app
27th Apr 2017, 5:35 PM
Sachin Artani
Sachin Artani - avatar
+ 43
Here is a web code consisting of 50 non web codes. Check it out. https://code.sololearn.com/W9xE6SoiJjyl/?ref=app
9th Jun 2017, 4:18 PM
Krishna Teja Yeluripati
Krishna Teja Yeluripati - avatar
+ 41
SkeppyFan, yes it does. HTML, CSS & JS count as web.
27th Jul 2019, 12:20 PM
🇺🇦 Drake CDR 🇺🇦
🇺🇦 Drake CDR 🇺🇦 - avatar
29th Apr 2019, 4:54 PM
A J I L - avatar
+ 33
@Sachin If i say I'm a dude, would that be a huge let down? 😂 @Dinmukhamed Nice code mate! 👌
27th Apr 2017, 5:50 PM
Pixie - avatar
+ 32
Hey guys, check this out. It evaluates the time zones of almost every.... Runs better on a PC : https://code.sololearn.com/ci1Qu85gY2u9/?ref=app
20th May 2017, 6:52 AM
Dev - avatar
+ 31
@Pixie Thanks! Your codes are really amazing! @Ace C++ Master... @Manual Nice.
3rd May 2017, 3:01 PM
Dev - avatar
+ 31
Worked 2 hours to get this correct. https://code.sololearn.com/cLz0O4ohLe08/?ref=app
13th Jun 2017, 3:33 PM
Krishna Teja Yeluripati
Krishna Teja Yeluripati - avatar
+ 31
@CB there are limited resources allowed to users in non-web codes no interactive/live input. if you are serious about coding then run the code locally on your device using some offline compiler/interpreter like clang for c,c++. ruby, python, java. with termux. some have made text based games with non-web codes. https://code.sololearn.com/c1709fh8MkyS/?ref=app https://code.sololearn.com/ckKBnYyLVTKA/?ref=app https://code.sololearn.com/chtZ8JKZ2xEU/?ref=app https://termux.com/ Termux https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/ Termux | F-Droid - Free and Open Source Android App Repository https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.termux&hl=en Termux - Android Apps on Google Play
24th Oct 2017, 2:01 AM
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna - avatar
+ 30
Idk why useful posts like these dont come up in "trending" though. Is it because it had already come up once? I see a lot of useless posts on Trending 😐
3rd May 2017, 3:15 PM
Pixie - avatar
11th Jun 2017, 4:12 AM
Art456 - avatar
+ 30
@G Interactive input is not impossible. It will need more resources like data, servers, time; than can be justified. Here's something closer to that. https://repl.it/languages/ruby #try gets method before print above #obviously cpp code takes more time
24th Oct 2017, 5:05 AM
Lord Krishna
Lord Krishna - avatar
+ 30
1st May 2019, 3:55 AM
Geovanny Martínez Forero
Geovanny Martínez Forero - avatar
+ 29
Thank you 😊😊 @Pixie, Hey, sorry but can I ask you, you're male or female? 😅😅
27th Apr 2017, 5:39 PM
Sachin Artani
Sachin Artani - avatar
+ 29
@Meharban Thanks for posting your codes. I dont think they run on playground. Will test on desktop when I get the time 😊
27th Apr 2017, 6:21 PM
Pixie - avatar
+ 29
Great job guys! Keep it coming. So many great codes and new ideas! 😄
28th Apr 2017, 12:53 AM
Pixie - avatar