+ 5
Coding Challenges
Just a suggestion: A daily/weekly challenge to code for a set function- for example to give the first n terms of the Fibonacci sequence, determine the number of prime numbers in a range or replace banned words in a text with asterisks. Challenges could be judged by a number of unknown test cases (which are run on the script, and if the right answer is given, the challenge is passed.) There could be xp rewards, as well as potentially additional xp for the first to complete it
4 Answers
+ 15
that has been suggested in different forms multiple times, but nothing happened so far. In the meantime if you like that kind of thing I personally use codewars.com
+ 7
Good idea you should email them this.
+ 3
I love the idea but the quickest right answer won't work. Timezones. I'd love to see this going though, just the best answer in 24h or making a challenge viewable when you want it and then have the time start ticking. (actually thinking about that won't work either, because people will cheat with second accounts)
Either way, some way this should be awesome!
+ 2
Yes I hadn't thought of the time zone issue, but even only with xp prizes it would be good