+ 29

Which is most powerfull programming language among this python,c#,c++?

powerfull programming language

29th Oct 2017, 10:50 AM
Anisha - avatar
55 Answers
+ 11
@rohit its ok i can understand becoz same used to happen with me few days back even today i am losing so may challenges but if we ill try than we will surely win .so just keep trying.
9th Nov 2017, 10:38 AM
Anisha - avatar
+ 23
1.Python Because python is interpreted,compiled,contains OOP features. Syntax is easy. For example:- a=2 b=3 print(a+b) In python no need of semi-colons at the end of the statement. 2.C++ I don't know about c#
3rd Dec 2017, 6:43 AM
Abhivarshini Maddala
Abhivarshini Maddala - avatar
+ 20
python is among the slowest, c# is about average, c++ is among the fastest
29th Oct 2017, 11:29 AM
Ahri Fox
Ahri Fox - avatar
+ 15
29th Oct 2017, 11:10 AM
Anisha - avatar
+ 12
1.ease to use
29th Oct 2017, 11:46 AM
Anisha - avatar
+ 12
i know that but brains said all of them are powerfull so i said that
30th Oct 2017, 5:19 PM
Anisha - avatar
+ 8
usually it will depend on the use, but powerful, by definition, might be the oldest one with the most community support, probably c++.
29th Oct 2017, 11:07 AM
Xeroxis Labz
Xeroxis Labz - avatar
+ 8
but you have select most powrfull one
30th Oct 2017, 4:56 PM
Anisha - avatar
+ 8
cpp 👍
12th Nov 2017, 4:30 PM
Asiri H
Asiri H - avatar
+ 5
I think if a metric system to define the power of a language is established in this discussion then we could measure, record, and compare the language features to determine the most powerful programming language. suggested metrics: 1. ease of use 2. compilation time 3. runtime 4. support 5. documentation, etc... please feel free to add any
29th Oct 2017, 11:45 AM
Eric W. Barclay, Sr
Eric W. Barclay, Sr - avatar
+ 4
c# is great, but c++ gives you more control over the computer hardware.
29th Oct 2017, 8:49 PM
+ 4
python is very efficient as compare to c,c++.
30th Oct 2017, 10:21 AM
shital birnale
shital birnale - avatar
+ 4
@ANISHA you know the answer of that question or not !☺️
30th Oct 2017, 5:15 PM
shital birnale
shital birnale - avatar
+ 4
Every language has its own advantages and disadvantages but yes we can differentiate these language's on kind of language's(means level of language's higher or lower)which language is more closer to computer language because at the end every language has to be converted into machine level language. well u can look by this way that c is the most basic or are most close to machine language and so as c++ but python,c# are high level language's and takes more time to get translated into machine level language while compiling.So yes c++ has got some real advantage over other languages. Hope this helps😀
9th Nov 2017, 9:47 AM
+ 4
17th Nov 2017, 4:38 PM
Shubham Nainwal
Shubham Nainwal - avatar
+ 4
C++ is easily the fastest language here.C++ is 6 times fastest than c#!
19th Nov 2017, 6:44 PM
Ben - avatar
+ 3
30th Oct 2017, 5:55 PM
shital birnale
shital birnale - avatar
+ 3
9th Nov 2017, 10:48 AM
Xeroxis Labz
Xeroxis Labz - avatar
+ 3
C# is simple than C++
14th Nov 2017, 4:33 AM
tavonga tafirei
tavonga tafirei - avatar
+ 2
29th Oct 2017, 4:28 PM
Yonas Alem
Yonas Alem - avatar