+ 8
What are some places I can get free machine learning and AI code
machine learning AI code
22 Respuestas
+ 3
thx everyone for the advice and links
+ 5
Here are 2 free courses available by Google. I am currently following it.
If u want more u can search it on Udacity or Udemy for free courses, u may find it easily.
I am recommending u on my personal use and review.
+ 4
you can check out GitHub. for instance I have neural networks and ai on my github
+ 4
If your going to use TensorFlow in Python, there's a free ebook on Keras at packtpub.com today.
Keras is a neural network API able to work on top of TensorFlow (also Theano and CNTK). Makes life a loooot easier than starting from scratch in any of the under-the-hood modules ;)
+ 4
and also u can use TensorFlow in js this is TensorFlow.js
+ 3
FREE and the best course of machine learning from Stanford University
+ 3
Check out my suggestions which are free of cost and udacity and udemy having certain basic and intermediate courses for free
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String [ ] primes = {apple, ball, cat};
for (String a: primes){
this code is working with int but not working with String why !??? tell me someone
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Firstly learn about algorithms and then AI
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To create custom algorithms you can use TensorFlow
+ 1
Check out https://www.udacity.com/courses/all
They've got some free courses on machine learning and AI.
It greatly helps
+ 1
Viren mahra : string "apple", "ball", "cat" need to have double quote.
+ 1
you can find some free sources on Coursera (https://www.coursera.org)
or udacity (https://eg.udacity.com)
+ 1
Incredible website! Features competitions and training as well.
+ 1
heard of it, never tried it.
8ll check it out
+ 1
wow I didn't even know that exists I'm going to give that a try.
+ 1
got to try this I'm gonna look it up right now
intel students program
thx everyone, most people suggest udemy, but you have to pay...
I really need free resources...