The code below is showing syntax error in visual studio. Please help me figure out the error😅😅
// Header File #ifndef MYCLASS_H #define MYCLASS_H class Myclass { public: Myclass(string a, string b); private: string var1; const string var2; }; #endif // Source File #include "Myclass.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; Myclass::Myclass(string a, string b) : var1 (a), var2 (b) { cout << var1 << endl; cout << var2 << endl; } int main(){ MyClass obj("Hello", "World"); } // THE END
5 Respuestas
- 1
Thanks Andriy. But there was another error that is now figured out.
The line "using namespace std;" should be written under the string header declaration in the header file.
Rather, thanks🙂🙂
+ 3
You didn't include string header to use string class.
Header file should be like this:
#ifndef MYCLASS_H
#define MYCLASS_H
#include <string>
class Myclass
Myclass(std::string a, std::string b);
std::string var1;
const std::string var2;
also you have spelling error inside main function. It should be:
Myclass obj("Hello", "World");
(not MyClass)
+ 2
don't write line
using namespace std;
in header files.
This is bad programming style! (You get some problems when you will use other namespaces in C++ file which includes your header with using namespace std)
Use it only inside C++ file.
In header file use namespace prefix instead. (std::)
I wrote code with namespace prefixes.
May be you forgot to insert std:: prefix before some strings?
+ 2
This is not an error.
var2 is member of the class. It is initialized in the constructor. It is allowed.
string var2 is const.. so it needs to be initialized at the time of declaration.. you can't keep a const variable uninitialized, it can't be initialized later.