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Convert list into a string
How to convert list to string? + As I know, we can convert it using join() method after we create list like list_string = ['a', 'b', 'c'] then convert it with ' '.join(list_string) and it will return abc right? But that's a bit weird using .join() method to convert list into a string. + And also as far as I know we can also use *args , like print(*li) then you will get a b with a space. But it only works if inside the print() function. Is there any other way besides using the two methods above? to convert list to string? Please!n!... helpme.....!!!
6 Respuestas
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You can use a string builder and loop through the list:
string = ""
characters = ["a", "b", "c"]
for item in characters:
string += str(characters) #This ensures that any item in the list will be converted to a string
Is it what you're looking for?
+ 1
I came up with these ways to use the extraction operator to build a string while avoiding join(). No loops, either. Though I suspect that if you are unsatisfied with using join() then these will be less appealing.
+ 1
Brian I also came up with a solution, which uses reduce() function from the functools library:
I'm not sure if it also counts, though.
Nooo... I mean I want to convert list : characters = ["a", "b", "c"] into "abc" and has a string type in it. Not what is in the list is converted to string.
Here lemme sho u :
there the string variable has a string type right? which initially has a list type/class
Kapi For whatever reason, the developers of Python decided that using str() on a list would generate a string representation of the list instead of concatenating the elements of the list.
li = ["a", "b", "c"]
st = str(li)
# st = "[a, b, c]"
# NOT st = "abc"
So to actually concatenate all list elements into a string, you must either use join() or loop over list elements and concatenate yourself
st1 = "".join(li)
st2 =""
for item in li:
st2 += item
this loop will return the same result as the method using join():
li = ["a", "b", "c"]
string = ""
for item in li:
string += item
print(f"{string} have a : {type(string)}")